Essentials of Mechatronics ISBN:
0-471-72341-X- ©John Billingsley 2006 - published
John Wiley & Sons, Inc
6/5/index.htm - Index to simulations
Three alternative techniques are presented for the simulations.
Perhaps the most 'accessible' uses the JavaScript engine that is freely
available in recent versions of such browsers as Internet Explorer and
(With Netscape you might have to 'reload' before running the simulation)
A simple applet takes the form of a 'whiteboard' on which graphics can
be drawn and plotted. A text area within a 'form' displays the
code. This can be edited at will to modify the simulation, so
that variations can be tried out with minimal 'turnaround' time.
It is a good idea to select the menu option that displays the
'Javascript Console', so that any errors will be flagged.
The second format uses Quick Basic or QBasic. QBasic was included
for optional installation in Windows versions before XP and should be
easy to find. It has the added advantage that QBasic allows
direct output to the printer port, so that very similar code can be
used for controlling real time experimental hardware.
The third version uses Visual Basic. Although written in Visual
Studio 6.0, the code is probably compatible with earlier
code is contained in a .frm file, the form on which the graphics are
plotted. There will be pressure from Microsoft to phase out
version 6.0 and enforce upgrading to further versions.
To run the .bas and .frm versions, you may have to save the file on
your local machine. Instead of 'left-clicking' on the link, click
the right-hand button on the mouse and when a menu appears select 'save
as'. To run the .htm version, you will probably have to struggle
with the browser to persuade it to let you run the embedded script and
These examples are as essential to understanding state variables and
simulation as the text itself. Give them a thorough workout,
editing the code and trying out a range of parameters.
A first-order introduction to simulation is found here.
A set of simulations of position control are found here.